TOMRA NOE – Reflections upon the successful transition to IFS Cloud

In the beginning of May, as you may have noticed here on LinkedIn, TOMRA Northern Europe Collection’s (”TOMRA NOE”) seven countries went live with IFS Cloud after a tough, exciting, and successful project. Many have requested more information: why did it go well, what could have been done even better, what pitfalls should be avoided, etc.

If you would prefer reading this in Swedish, please go the Swedish version

What stands out most from both surveys and individual conversations and interviews is that the project group had fun together! This fostered a collaborative spirit free of prestige between countries, among the different process groups, as well as between the various involved parties. TOMRA NOE itself has a great culture, and an organization that is not afraid to handle the unexpected. The team received an excessive dose of this when TOMRA was hit by a major cyberattack in the summer of 2023, making the replacement of what is often referred to as the heart (the ERP system) of a company’s system solution feel tough but definitely doable in comparison…

Historically, one of TOMRA NOE’s success factors has been doing things well, of course, but also not making things unnecessarily complicated. ”Keep it simple”. This was a goal and mantra used before the project, as well as continuously during it. The aim was to find ways to work that made it as easy as possible to implement them in the application, which in turn increases the likelihood that they are actually carried out in the system at all.

Another clear goal was to use the standard code whenever possible, ”stay close to standard,” which is now more relevant than ever, considering the advantage of being able to quickly and smoothly follow new versions of the system.

These two goals may seem completely natural, but they were both important and comforting to return to in situations where the project, or parts of it, felt particularly tough. They also served as good, and universally accepted, arguments when country-specific requirements came in, and not the least: They helped us make important prioritizations, where the assessment of ”nice to have vs. need to have” was consistently applied. In line with this, it was continuously emphasized that we would absolutely go live with a truly modern and good solution, but also, that it would likely not be perfect on day one. Instead, it will serve as a foundation for continuous future development. This allowed us to focus on what was critical to the business while still achieving the goal of going live with a solid, yet likely not perfect, solution on May 6.

Even though it was the competent people in TOMRA’s project group who did the heavy lifting, it is worth highlighting the importance of an engaged management on the customer’s side, taking ownership of the project. And who, together with the project’s management, can stand firm to ensure that the goals defined above are secured. In this project, TOMRA’s management, as well as the project’s steering group at large, with representation from TOMRA, IFS, and Align, truly did their utmost to facilitate the project. It’s not always easy, regardless of mandate, making miracles, but just the sense of willingness, interest, and drive from above is sensed throughout the organization and makes a difference.

A cooperative and clear collaboration between the different players in the project is crucial. This certainly existed in this project. We trusted each other, shared information, and wanted to move forward. The experience is that the regular investment in weekly meetings (during the four most intense months) with the entire project group of over 50 people was instrumental. Simple meetings, lots of information, and over time also lots of repetition, ensured that (almost😊) everyone shared a clear picture of where we were heading, why, what was going to happen, and when. It was especially important to be clear about: what is going to happen in the next two weeks.

It’s naturally difficult at the start of a project to get everyone to understand the new solution. In TOMRA NOE’s case, the organization had been working with IFS version 7.5 for many years and knew everything about how things worked there. Adapting to IFS Cloud’s architecture and usage takes time, which means many of the early decisions regarding the solution and data were made on somewhat uncertain grounds. It wasn’t until the third phase of the IFS methodology (out of five), Establish Solution, that TOMRA NOE’s project group fully came on board, and began to realize through real testing on actual data what worked well and what didn’t. This is hard to completely avoid, but it’s still worth being aware of.

A key to success was the structured testing done in the aforementioned third project phase, with TOMRA gradually taking on more responsibility. It was wonderful and clear to see the development, how the project participants’ Cloud expertise grew, while also realizing: ”Oh, we’re not done yet – a lot of work remains.” This is where expertise in the new solution expanded from being primarily within the core group to reaching all countries’ project representatives – the countries began to drive even more clearly (still with the goal of reaching the same base solution, possibly with a certain few dialectal differences). The first two test rounds were done together with everyone gathered in Sweden, while the last round was delegated to the countries to manage themselves. It was tough but very rewarding, and it quickly felt like we had made the right decision on that test logistic setup: The first two tests (called Verify Solution 1 and 2) created, among other things, a good platform for communication making sure to create ONE team, while the third and final (Solution Acceptance Test, SAT) fully established the country-level ownership.

One area that required substantial work was the service agreements. These are core to the customer’s business and exist in thousands. The architecture around these has been completely redesigned between versions 7.5 and Cloud, as well as the work order structure. As expected, this became the project’s major time challenge in terms of migration. And yes, early focus not only on process but also on data is necessary to avoid a time crunch at the end, but it’s also clear how ”correct” data facilitates understanding of functionality: ”Oh, we can’t handle customer X that way, it doesn’t work with their requirements…”

Like almost all companies today, TOMRA NOE is a lean organization. This means time challenges when the business and daily operations must continue as usual while time must also be allocated to the implementation project. Individual members have worked hard and made heroic efforts, absolutely, but everyone’s commitment and focus on collaboration made it possible to keep to the schedule despite everything else happening. Resources from IFS, Align, and TOMRA were able to assist each other, which was absolutely essential.

Then there’s the classic issue with business document layouts; if possible, start looking at them early to ensure everything is neat and tidy well before going live. Similarly, integration work is challenging, where it’s sometimes ”impossible” to even perform real tests until parties, such as customers and suppliers, receive files from the actual production environment to their own counterparts. Layouts and integrations bring to mind customizations, where TOMRA NOE has managed to keep these to a minimum, thereby enabling a future as ”evergreen.” The idea is to already this fall upgrade from the current release 23R1 to 24R1, where after good discussions with IFS R&D, the customer also understands that improvements, particularly in one of the customer’s important workflows, are coming.

This brings us to the continuation, because naturally there is one. Everything isn’t smooth sailing just because the go-live has been completed. Configurations are continuously made to ease workflows. Adjustments and corrections as well. And as mentioned, a new version update will be done during the year, alongside setting the more long-term plan that will likely include the use of new IFS modules, changed and improved usage of existing ones.

The customer’s CFO, Mattias Hecter, summarizes the experiences like this:

”A great commitment from everyone involved in the project, where we had a high degree of transparency with each other – ’Brutally honest in a kind way.’ This approach, combined with striving towards the standard solution and focusing on what is business-critical with the knowledge that an ’evergreen’ system is under continuous development, provided good conditions for making decisions that allowed us to maintain the schedule. Now we have a modern tool in place – I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together.”

In summary, TOMRA NOE is now in a positive position system-wise:

  • The go-live occurred on the scheduled date!
  • They are operating with a modern tool, almost entirely according to the standard solution.
  • They can thus agilely follow new versions, without additional major upgrade projects.
  • Security is presumably much greater now, as old servers have been replaced with new ones in IFS’s modern cloud solution.
  • Now it’s about, as an organization and in the application, continuing to develop step by step in line with the company’s strategy and market demands.


As you can tell: Exciting and likely positive indeed days and years await – and as you know, TOMRA’s products also contribute to a better environment!

Many thanks to everyone involved at TOMRA and IFS, thank you for an outstandingly good collaboration! Thanks to the mentioned cooperation, the right attitude, and the great collective competence, this wasn’t just a tough journey. Above all it was a really fun project to be a part of! A special thanks to TOMRA for entrusting us to participate. Now we look forward to the next step together.

Would you prefer reading this in Swedish? Go to the Swedish version

Welcome to Align, Maneesha Rajapaksha!

Please read below to get to know our latest addition Maneesha, a young and talented software developer situated in Eskilstuna, Sweden.

I began my career at IFS Sri Lanka, starting as a Software Engineering Trainee in November 2020 while pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Software Engineering from Curtin University, Australia.

 Having finished the trainee program I worked as Software Engineer at IFS Sri Lanka, a role I held for 3+ years. During this period, I was part of developing and maintaining IFS’ products. I was responsible to do the so-called CRIMs (Configurations, Reports, Integrations and Modifications) in the versions of IFS Cloud and IFS APPS10. I managed issues in Life Cycle Support (LCS) applications and handled incidents in those. Additionally, I conducted training programs for new joiners, while continually updating my technical knowledge, investigating new technologies to enhance software efficiency.

 In November 2023, I joined Bitzify as a part-time Software Engineer, working remotely from Sweden for 6 months. My focus remained on IFS ERP. My role at Bitzify involved software development of CRIMs, integrating existing software products, and supporting and maintaining software solutions for client organizations. During my soon to be four years working with IFS’ ERP systems I have experienced a number of clients, projects and solutions, doing my outmost to help the customer’s getting the most out of their investment.

 I see myself as a problem-solving, analytical person with a strong ability to multitask. On that note, I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Software Engineering at Mälardalen’s University here in Sweden, further expanding my knowledge and skills. Recently, I collaborated with three other students on a project for Alstom in Västerås to develop a web application. My passion for software engineering and commitment to excellence continue to drive me forward, which is also what lead me to Align…

 Right before summer I joined Align in Sweden. I got the opportunity to immediately enter into an ongoing activity at one of Align’s Swedish IFS Cloud customers, and it feels great to be able to contribute to their success. So far I must say I really enjoy it at Align; the skilled people but mainly their lack of prestige. I simply like my nice colleagues and the atmosphere here. Looking forward to continued growth personally, but also for Align and for our customers.

 Finally, on a more personal note: I live in Eskilstuna together with my husband. I fancy chocolate a lot. Ending with a quote that I like, almost as much as the mentioned chocolate:

 ”Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

Again: Welcome to us at Align!

Sommarhälsning från Align

Hej alla kunder, samarbetspartners, vänner och kollegor

Vi vill bara ödmjukt passa på att tacka för ett fint, lyckat och lärorikt första halvår, där vi fått förtroendet att bidra i både stort och smått.

Att själva, men oftast i armkrok med andra, förbättra något viktigt ute hos våra kära kunder är en ynnest att få medverka till. Under de gångna månaderna har vi bl.a.

  • drivit och deltagit i projekt som framgångsrikt gått i drift
  • blivit än mer erfarna på IFS Cloud
  • börjat jobba kontra ytterligare kunder
  • skrivit samarbetsavtal med 2c8 (visualisering av processer)
  • fått med oss nya medarbetare


Tillsammans med samarbetspartners och inte minst våra norska vänner är vi nu ca 40 stycken erfarna konsulter! Det känns således som att hösten kan bli såväl kul som spännande!

Hade livet varit fullkomligt molnfritt hade vi dessutom fått stopp på världens krig och elände, men, tyvärr är det inte fallet. Vi försöker ändå att bidra i det lilla, att dra vårt strå till stacken.

Nu ser vi fram emot en semesterperiod med fokus på annat. En god bok, lata dagar på stranden, eller för några sannolikt storslagna äventyr att berätta om när vi ses igen efter sommaren.

Tack igen för ett fint första halvår tillsammans! Vi önskar dig en fantastisk sommar, såsom just Du vill ha den!

Hälsar gänget på Align

Best Practices for Managing Release Updates in IFS Cloud

Applying Release Updates robustly and securely involves a structured approach to ensure minimal disruption and maximum benefit. Here are some best practices and tips* for managing release updates in IFS Cloud:

* Note that some of the links provided below require you, the reader, being logged in as a registered user

1. Preparation and Planning

Assess the Update: Understand the contents of the release. Review release notes, documentation, and change logs to identify new features, bug fixes, and potential impacts.

IFS Product Release Notes (IFS Community)

IFS Cloud Service Update Fixes and Release Approvals (IFS Community)

Compatibility Check: Ensure the new release is compatible with your current environment, including hardware, operating system, and other software.

Backup: Perform comprehensive backups of all systems and data that will be affected by the update. This includes full system backups and backups of the IFS data and configurations.


2. Testing

Test Environment: Set up a test environment that mirrors your production environment as closely as possible.

How to request an automated clone of the IFS Cloud app hosted on IFS Cloud service (non-production) (Customer Support Portal)

IFS Cloud Environmental Cloning Service (Customer Support Portal)

Pilot Testing: Deploy the update in the test environment first. This helps identify any issues that may arise during the update process.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve end-users in testing to ensure that the update meets their needs and doesn’t disrupt workflows.


3. Communication

Stakeholder Communication: Inform all stakeholders, including users and IT staff, about the planned update, its benefits, potential downtime, and any expected changes in functionality.

Scheduled Downtime: Plan the update during a maintenance window to minimize disruption. Communicate this schedule well in advance.


4. Implementation

Follow Vendor Instructions: Adhere strictly to the vendor’s instructions for applying the update. This includes following step-by-step guides and using any provided tools.

Incremental Updates: If applicable, apply updates incrementally rather than jumping multiple versions simultaneously. This can help isolate issues more effectively.

Release Update (Technical Documentation)

Service Update (Technical Documentation)


5. Monitoring and Validation

Monitor Systems: After applying the update, closely monitor the systems for unusual behavior or performance issues.

Validate Functionality: Ensure that all critical functionalities are working as expected. This includes running key processes and checking data integrity.


6. Post-Update Review

Document the Process: Record the update process, any issues encountered, and how they were resolved. This documentation will be valuable for future updates.

Feedback Loop: Gather feedback from users and IT staff to identify any problems that were not immediately apparent and to improve future update processes.


7. Risk Management

Rollback Plan: Have a rollback plan in place in case the update causes significant issues. This should include steps for restoring from backups and returning to the previous state.

Risk Assessment: Continuously assess the risks associated with the update and have mitigation strategies ready.


8. Continuous Improvement

Review and Improve: After the update, conduct a review meeting to discuss what went well and what could be improved. Update your procedures accordingly.

Stay Informed: Keep abreast of new releases, patches, and best practices from the vendor and the wider user community.


By following these best practices, you can ensure that IFS release updates are applied smoothly, minimizing downtime and ensuring that your systems remain secure and efficient.


Ready to Learn More?

Book a meeting with us today to delve deeper into these best practices and tailor them to your specific needs. Our team is here to provide insights, answer your questions, and help you implement these strategies effectively.

We look forward to helping you achieve seamless and secure IFS release updates.

Johan Gustavsson ny på Align!

Nu var det ett tag sedan vi senast presenterade en ny Aligner i Sverige. Det kommer vi att effektivt råda bot på nu runt sommaren med start idag när vi introducerar er för ingen mindre än Johan Gustavsson. Ta del av hans berättelse nedan, men först säger vi: Hjärtligt välkommen till oss på Align!

Vem är Johan? Här kommer hans egna beskrivning.

För ca 24 år sedan tog jag mina första stapplande steg in i IFS-världen. Den startade i Linköping (Mjärdevi) på plan 3 i Tennishallen på avdelningen IFS R&D Maintenance. Det blev tre år där, innan jag gick ner till husets bottenvåning och dåvarande bolaget @IFS. I det företaget har jag sedan varit kvar. Bolaget har haft många namn på vägen, men det har alltid handlat om att säkerställa att kunders IFS-miljöer fungerat. Under åren har jag haft många olika roller och jobbat med olika kunder; det har varit otroligt intressant att se på alla typer av lösningar och verksamheter.

Privat håller jag mig i Linköping där jag bor med min sambo och två barn. Jag har dock mitt ursprung i Dalarna och åker gärna dit för att få lite lugn och ro. Det gör även underverk för mitt dalmål som trots många år i exil fortfarande finns kvar.

Fritiden har varit en gråzon för mig då jag alltid sagt att jobbet är en livsstil. Att ansvara för extremt driftkritiska system under dygnets alla timmar skapar en speciell situation i livet, något  jag vant mig vid. Det har gjort att när fritiden finns blir det mycket familjeliv och alla möjliga typer av aktiviteter som kan verka roligt. Ett tydligt intresse jag har är dock vin, främst röda viner av typen Amarone. Bilden är från en av flera resor till distriktet Valpolicella i Italien där just det vinet produceras. Hör av dig om du vill diskutera mer om detta😊

I mitt arbete är jag väldigt ombytlig. Det krävs många olika sidor i de roller jag haft och man måste plocka fram rätt sida för rätt situation. Ena stunden sitter man och diskuterar IT-strategier och vart marknaden är på väg, senare under samma dag kanske man sitter i krishantering då en kunds affärssystem står still. I grund och botten är jag dock en tänkande person som hela tiden försöker förstå. Min ambition har alltid varit att försöka förstå helheten inom en IFS-installation, allt från hårdvara till verksamhet och utifrån det kunna säkerställa att systemet är igång.

Nu ska det verkligen bli spännande att jobba på Align och träffa på ännu fler kunder och få möjligheten att dela med mig av mina erfarenheter i deras väg framåt.

Align erbjuder processmodellering i 2c8

Align Consulting AB och 2c8 inleder samarbete!

Sträcker sig era affärsprocesser utanför IFS? Har ni justerat användningen av systemet efter er initiala kartläggning? Nyanställer ni?

Genom åren har vi frekvent stött på dessa dokumentationsbehov; att visuellt kunna beskriva något för att skapa tydlighet. Av den anledningen är vi väldigt glada att kunna berätta följande:

Vi har ingått ett partnerskap med 2c8 för att i verktyget 2c8 Apps kunna hjälpa er, våra kära kunder, i just detta arbete!

Oavsett om ditt behov är litet, kanske vill du kartlägga en delprocess inför ett viktigt förändringsbeslut, eller stort, du behöver dokumentera hela företagets flöden från ax till limpa, kan vi bistå. Men som vanligt är det du och ditt behov som styr: Vi dokumenterar inget i 2c8 Apps om inte du som kund ser värdet.

Vilka är fördelarna med 2c8?

Vi upplever att 2c8 är snyggt, modernt och lättarbetat, men inte minst är det smidigt för IFS-kunder eftersom grunden till dokumentationen redan är satt i just 2c8. Dvs, du som kund har redan sett det live, och startsträckan när du vill förädla, vidareutveckla och inte minst sprida informationen blir kortast möjligt. Men återigen, vi tvingar dig vare sig att modellera, eller modellera i ett specifikt verktyg – vår erfarenhet säger dock att det kan vara klokt.

Direkt efter sommaren är vi redo att börja rita!


Om 2c8:

2c8 äger och utvecklar programvaran 2c8 Apps – ett kraftfullt modelleringsverktyg för att kartlägga verksamheter och dess processer.

Om Align:

Align Consulting är ett oberoende konsultbolag med expertkompetens inom IFS där vi hjälper våra kunder att maximera nyttan med sin IFS-lösning. Align är kundens partner, och samarbetar i den rollen ofta, gärna och tätt med kundens andra nyckelspelare.


För mer info: Kontakta Aligns affärsansvarige Fredrik Aldén;, eller VD Per Aronsson,

Solig rapport från Tomras lyckade öppningsceremoni

This past Tuesday, Align’s Anna Starkman, Maria Forsling and Per Aronsson had the pleasure of attending when TOMRA Collection Solutions Northern Europe (NOE) officially opened their brand new Swedish office and warehouse space outside Stockholm.

Fantastic exterior as well as interior – which aside from work stations mostly in an open landscape and meeting rooms of various sizes, also includes a nicely integrated modern warehouse as well as a show room. A place making both co-workers, customers and business partners happy to visit!

Outside, an on-site barbeque provided a tasty mixed grill buffet, which combined with the sun and sudden summer temperature did a splendid job making sure all participants enjoyed the event fully.

Naturally, Head of Tomra NOE Lauri Kangaslahti was satisfied indeed with the new location, as well as with the opening ceremony as a whole. In the large picture he is flanked by Anna and Maria, while in the upper right, Tomra NOE CFO Mattias Hecter seems to be desperately looking for the right place to recycle his empty can😊

Thanks for inviting us – and best of luck on your five year growth journey!

En liten reflektion inför sommaren

Hjärtligt tack till alla er kunder och samarbetspartners som vi på Align har fått äran att kampera tätt tillsammans med detta gångna halvår!

  • Align har assisterat 39 olika kunder hittills i år
  • Över 40 procent av vår nedlagda tid är kopplad till IFS Cloud
  • IFS Cloud ger våra kunder stor potential


Tankarna på den spännande fortsättningen efter sommaren är kittlande!

Hösten innebär fortsatta, likväl som nya, uppdrag. Inte minst väntar spännande djupdykningar inom ny teknologi (AI mm). Helt enkelt en mängd nya möjligheter att skapa värde för kund. Och, en möjlighet att lära mer. Som individer och som grupp. Vi siktar alltid på att ligga i förkant!

Ur ett större perspektiv är vi förfärade över att ett land i vår närhet fortsatt är utsatt för krig. Det var overkligt ifjol, och det är djupt tragiskt att det fortgår. Håll ut. Vi tänker på er i Ukraina.

Åter till Align: Vi ser fram emot att stå stadigt på våra kunders sida även i höst – oavsett IFS-version.

Njut av en välförtjänt sommar. Ladda batterierna. Det tänker vi göra!

Align etablerar sig i Linköping!

Samtidigt som mängder av härliga kunder förkovrade sig på spännande och fullsatta IFS Connect, passade vi på Align på att bocka av och passera ännu en milstolpe.

Med pompa och ståt, eller snarare ballonger och breda leenden, invigde vi nämligen vårt andra kontor i Sverige! Nu finns vi fysiskt inte bara i centrala Stockholm utan även i Linköping, närmare bestämt i Mjärdevi. Där IFS har funnits i alla år. Nu ser vi deras huvudkontor från vår köksavdelning. En rejäl nostalgitripp.

Liksom i Stockholm känns Linköpingskontoret öppet och inbjudande, kreativt och mysigt. Påminner om oss i Align😊

För oss startade allt för 1,5 år sedan, i en klubblokal i Täby Kyrkby. Vår utgångspunkt var att skapa ett prestigelöst och kundnära bolag i världsklass, där vi alla skulle varva jobb hos kund med arbete hemifrån. Det gör vi fortsatt en majoritet av dagarna. Men, nu har vi alla en tydlig hemvist även kontorsmässigt. Häftigt. Och viktigt. En sann milstolpe.

Således är vi mer beredda än någonsin på att ta hand om de kreativa, knepiga och utmanande frågor som just DU har med dig hem från IFS Connect.

Nu kör vi vidare! Välkommen att besöka oss!

Kristina Andersén-Nerg kommer till Align!

Det känns fantastiskt att få hälsa Kristina välkommen! Inte bara till oss på Align, utan också tillbaka in i det stora ekosystemet runt IFS efter några månaders andhämtning. Härligt!

Vem är då denna Kristina Andersén-Nerg?

För många i den svenska IFS-miljön är det ett bekant namn då hon varit kund till IFS i många år. På Dalkia, Veolia och Lassila & Tikanoja har hon i olika roller använt flera IFS-versioner (för kännaren av IFS-systemen: hennes senaste projekt lyfte kundlösningen till IFS version 10, i användargränssnittet Aurena). Inte bara sett, och inte heller bara använt. Istället har hon har varit klart drivande i att sätta lösningar, att avtala med systemleverantörer, att driva projekt. Ja, i det allra mesta runt systemet.

Privat bor hon i Stockholm där hon gärna ger sig ut på långa power-walk-rundor så snart tillfälle ges. Allra helst beger hon sig dock till Spanien för sol och värme. Det spanska språket och den spanska kulturen har blivit litet av en hobby i sig.

Kristina har som sagt en stor portion erfarenhet i bagaget. Hon har mångårig rutin som ledare. Som IT/IS-chef och som chef för en nordisk controllerverksamhet. Detta har givit henne tyngd i dialog med styrelse och styrgrupp, men också empati genom många och dagliga samtal med medarbetare. Hon har rejäl vana vid dialog med kund såväl som leverantör, och har lätt att se helhetsbilden.

Kopplat till hennes långa och lärorika period runt IFS-lösningar är hon mest stolt över hur hon för ett par år sedan var drivande i ett projekt som hade som mål att reducera applikationsfloran hos hennes arbetsgivare. På ett framgångsrikt vis lyckades Kristina & Co att inordna leverantörsfakturaflödet, den mobila arbetsorderhanteringen och datalagret i IFS. Därmed blev företagets systempark renodlad och antalet komplexa externa integrationer kunde minskas.

På Align ser vi framför oss hur Kristina kommer att kunna nyttja snart sett alla verktyg i lådan. Som projektledare, som lösningsarkitekt när en servicelösning ska designas, och som rådgivare i komplexa frågor av allehanda natur (alltifrån ledarskap till användning av specifika fält i applikationen).

Ja, då återstår bara en sak att säga: Bienvenido, Kristina!