Solig rapport från Tomras lyckade öppningsceremoni

This past Tuesday, Align had the pleasure of attending when TOMRA Collection Solutions Northern Europe (NOE) officially opened their brand new Swedish office and warehouse space in Järfälla outside Stockholm.

Fantastic exterior as well as interior – which aside from work stations mostly in an open landscape and meeting rooms of various sizes, also includes a nicely integrated modern warehouse as well as a show room. A place making both co-workers, customers and business partners happy to visit!

Outside, an on-site barbeque provided a tasty mixed grill buffet, which combined with the sun and sudden summer temperature did a splendid job making sure all participants enjoyed the event fully.

Naturally, and as seen on the right, Head of Tomra NOE Lauri Kangaslahti was satisfied indeed with the new location, as well as with the opening ceremony as a whole. In the left picture, Tomra NOE CFO Mattias Hecter seems to be desperately looking for the right place to recycle his empty can😊

Thanks for inviting us – and best of luck on your five year growth journey!